DJM Questor Software

Host: Club Cruceros, La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Base: DJM Questor Software

MarinePlotter Version and Release History

See also: Known Problems.

Released program versions:

To determine the version of your installed copy, select the program "Help" menu "About" command. The About Dialog will display the version number.

Internet not available

If you have an Internet connection but the MarinePlotter reports no Internet (red [I] button,) then the program has been corrupted. If the Windows "App settings", "Reset", "Repair" does not fix the problem, then you need to uninstall, download, and reinstall the MarinePlotter.

Version 8,5,14,0

  1. Once again, fixed the GoogleMaps tile-version check and update method.

Version 8,5,13,0

  1. Fixed the "not responding" error when the Internet was not available.

Version 8,5,12,0

  1. Fixed another error with the GoogleMaps tile version update method.
  2. Changed the code related to the "Error2112 FormTileCacheManager.CheckTileVersion: Failed: '/kh?v=' is missing in attribution cmd ''". However, the error is probably due to an invalid or corrupted GoogleMaps attribution file. To download GoogleMaps tiles, the program required a valid 'cmd=' format.
  3. Added ENC data "Error2247 ClassS75Data.UpdateChartRectangle: Invalid (lat,lon) . . ."

Version 8,5,11,0

  1. Fixed the GoogleMaps tile version checker. The program used the old WebBrowser that GoogleMaps API no longer recognizes. Added a new method. Added a starting point 'current' version text box to the Tile-Cache Manager form.

  2. To determine the source, added 'StackTrace' to the error report for "Error0183 FormMarinePlotter.FitToView ... could not set the plot scale."
  3. Remove "Error0031 FormMarinePlotter.ThreadMultiFileOpen[ENC.2] ... The 'filename' is already opened."
  4. Updated the program per Microsoft VisualStudio 2022 'Analyze and Code Cleanup' suggestions.
  5. Updated the the MarinePlotter Certificate 'CN=C0D60DD1-DB1C-401F-B5EA-09B27D5803B0'.

Version 8,5,10,0

  1. Fixed the long redraw time when the World rectangle grossly exceeded the plot window size.
  2. Fixed the program crash from "System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException: . . . MarinePlotter.FormCoastlineSelector.LoadCoastlineData()". Add the "Error2235" and "Error2236" reports.
  3. Removed user data-error information messages from reports to the Microsoft App Center.
  4. Added another fix to the error "Error0106 FormMarinePlotter.HttpDownload: Image.Save failed . . . a generic GDI+ error occurred". If the file already exists and you choose not to replace it, the program will to try to save the file.
  5. Added "Error2237" and "Error2238" to the ClassCoordinate.SetPresision method to help identify the source of bad data.
  6. Added report "Error2239", "ClassMcgBoundary", "Invalid rectangle . . ."
  7. Added report "Error2240", "ClassTrack", "Invalid rectangle . . ."
  8. Added report "Error2241", "ClassFolders", "Could not delete the non-empty folder . . ."

Version 8,5,9,0

  1. Fixed the error reports for "ClassErrors.ShouldIgnore 'Error#### . . .". Changed " 'Error#### " to " Error#### ". The #### is the error number. The '-character before the Error#### prevented a string match. The error occurred mainly with directory or file "access is denied" errors.
  2. Added "Error2233 FormMarinePlotter.ZoomClear" to resolve "Error0013 .FormMarinePlotter.ZoomClear: Invoke failed ... Thread was interrupted from a waiting state."
  3. Added a fix for "Error2201 FormMarinePlotter.Form_Closing: 'undefined object'".
  4. Added "Error2232 FormMarinePlotter.SetPlotScale" to resolve the Error0020 FormMarinePlotter.SetPlotScale: Invoke failed."
  5. Fixed "Error0221 FormMarinePlotter ClearMouseModal 'undefined object'"
  6. Revised the code related to the "Error2070 FormMarinePlotter CopyInstallationDataFolder" that was fixed in 8,5,7,0.
  7. Note: Regarding "Error2207 FormMarinePlotter.DrawMCG Invalid mcg.coverage rectangle". The GRACENOTE mcg-files such as "../Gracenote_1.1.1.02315_EU.mcg" are for automobile navigation, are of a different file format than the MarinePlotter's' "Mariner's Cruising Guide (MCG)" mcg-file format, and will not display in the MarinePlotter.
  8. Added ""Error2227" at "Error2222 FormMarinePlotter.Form_Closing ThreadFileOpenStop 'undefined object''"
  9. Added "Error2225" and "Error2226" to the "Error1867 ClassKapReader.ReadBsb GetRow ... Index was outside the bounds of the array." The RNC file is most likely corrupted.
  10. Added to "Error0183 FormMarinePlotter.FitToView ... could not set the plot scale" the conditionally applied text "The latitude is invalid." and "The longitude is invalid."
  11. Added additional fixes to the Catalogues ". . . SetChartOpeningStatus: Invoke failed": ENC (Error1118, Error2113), MCG (Error1471, Error2214), IMG (Error1424, Error2213), and RNC (Error1822, Error2212)

Version 8,5,8,0

  1. Changed "Error0479 ClassAttributes.GetAttributeValues ... FRID 1145 attribute 'SCAMAX' undefined." to "Error2211 ... 'SCAMAX' attribute not allowed in ENC (S57 Spec.)"
  2. Changed "Error0534 ClassEncAreas.Draw ... FRID 31 301:NOBJNM attribute not processed" to ignored. MP does not process ENC national language objects.
  3. Changed "Error0534 ClassEncAreas.Draw ... FRID 31 301:NINFOM attribute not processed" to ignored. MP does not process ENC national language objects.
  4. Changed "Error0559 ClassEncPoints.Draw ... FRID 1137 SCAMAX attribute not processed" to "Error2208 . . . 'SCAMAX' attribute not allowed in ENC (S57 Spec.)'"
  5. Changed "Error0787 ClassSymbolTables.LIGHTS05 ... FRID 1100 'SCAMAX' attribute not processed" to "Error2210 . . . 'SCAMAX' attribute not allowed in ENC (S57 Spec.)"
  6. Changed "Error0840 FormAisFilter.SaveStaticFilterData . . ." to "could not create the folder: 'folderpath' 'errormessage'."
  7. Fixed the error "Error0106 FormMarinePlotter.HttpDownload: Image.Save failed . . . a generic GDI+ error occurred".
  8. Fixed the error "Error1822 FormEncCatalogue.SetChartOpeningStatus: Invoke failed" and changed to "Error1822 FormRncCatalogue . . ." where the error actually occurred.
  9. Investigating: "System.Exception: CurrentDomain_UnhandledException: Invalid parameter in System.Drawing.Image.get_Width() . . ."
  10. Investigating: "Error2117 ClassCoordinate.SetPrecision value='NaN' is not a number." from DrawMCG.

Version 8,5,7,0

  1. Moved the "Xtools" menu "Test All Charts" commands "ENC, IMG, MCG, and RNC" to the "Test All Charts" form "Select chart" menu. The "Test All Charts" command now opens the general "Test All Charts" form.
  2. Changed the behavior of the "Xtools" menu "Test all charts" method. If you stop the test, the most recently opened chart will remain open. In prior versions, it was necessary to re-open any chart you want to examine.
  3. Removed the command "Offset" from the "IMG" menu. The "Aligner" method replaces the IMG "Offset" command. The offsets are now REF data in the hdr-file. A separate offset-file is no longer used.
  4. Fixed "Error0183 FormMarinePlotter.FitToView ... could not set the plot scale."
  5. Removed the redundant and non-informative: "Error0334 FormMarinePlotter.FileOpenMCG ... failed"
  6. Added "Error2206" "OutOfMemoryException" for " ClassBitmaps.GetNewOverlay" errors.
  7. Removed the message: "Error2112 FormMarinePlotter.Timer_ShouldDrawAisGps the masterBitmap is undefined."
  8. Fixed the "Error2070 FormMarinePlotter.CopyInstallationDataFolder[ENC] 'Routes'". Changed: '..\'MarinePlotterData'\" to "\MarinePlotterData\".
  9. Changed the handling of "ClassErrors.ShouldIgnore[1] "Error0430 FormMarinePlotter.FormClosing ... System ShutDown Changes not saved.". When closing from a 'System Shutdown', the MarinePlotter will ignore errors and will not save user settings and changes because the Windows disposed of the MarinePlotter object before it could save data.
  10. Added "Expected 1 to 127." to "Error1883 ClassRNC.GetHeaderData IFM/ ... 'IFM/0' IFM 0 possibly invalid."
  11. Investigating: "Error1878 ClassRNC.GetHeaderData: . . . System.OutOfMemoryException". To fix an RNC header, do not use a text file editor: The editor will corrupt the image data section. Try to convert the RNC to an IMG, edit the IMG header hdr-file. Display and verify the IMG. Backup the RNC before replacing it. Then convert the IMG back to an RNC.
  12. Investigating: "Error1863 ClassKapReader.ReadKAP ... could not create a bitmap[4096,7936]". Try the RNC rasterizing option. Alternatively, convert the RNC to an IMG, use the Windows Paint of Paint3D program to resize the image. If desired, convert the IMG to an RNC.
  13. Added "Error2204" and "Error2205" to locate the "Error0493 ClassBitmap.GetOverlayClone" failures.
  14. Added information to the "Error0130 FormMarinePlotter.DrawImage ... could not create the bitmap[1] 6144W 2048H".

Version 8,5,6,0

This version fixes a major error created when I began deploying the 'Application Data' folder with the MarinePlotter app. Previously, the user had to download the 'Application Data' folder separately.

Version 8,5,5,0

Version 8,5,4,0

Version 8,5,3,0

Version 8,5,2,0

Version 8,5,1,0

Version 8,5,0,0

Version 8,4,7,0

Version 8,4,6,0

Version 8,4,5,0

Version 8,4,4,0

Nautical charts are supposed to be in International English. For some cultures the program could not convert the chart's English text numbers. In this version, all conversions of text to decimal values will use the CultureInfo.InvariantCulture option.

Version 8,4,3,0

Version 8,4,2,0

The majority of the program changes in this version are to provide additional information about the cause of the error.

Several error corrections are for text to number conversions wherein the text is in English as "0.9" and the local country expects "0,9".

Version 8,4,1,0

Version 8,4,0,0

This release applies mainly to a first time user's new MarinePlotter installation.

Version 8,3,4,0

Version 8,3,3,0

Version 8,3,2,0

Version 8,3,1,0

Version 8,3,0,0

Version 8,2,0,0

Version 8,1,0,0

Version 8,0,2,0

Version 8,0,1,0

Version 8,0,0,0

This release contains major changes to the chart catalogue file format and introduces a Master Chart Catalogue. You will need to recreate your "ENC", "MCG", "RNC", and "IMG" catalogues. Each chart folder (US, MX, etc.) that contains a group of chart files will have its own chart catalogue. After recreating the chart catalogues, you can then create the Master Chart Catalogue from the individual chart catalogues.

The MarinePlotter now uses a Master Chart Catalogue to display chart rectangles in the plot window. You can select, open, and close charts from the plot window instead of from the Graphical Chart Selector form.

Update/Release history version-7.
