DJM Questor Software

Host: Club Cruceros, La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Base: DJM Questor Software

MarinePlotter Version-2 Release History

See also: Known Problems.

Released program versions:

To determine the version of your installed copy, select the program "Help" menu "About" command. The About Dialog will display the version number.

WARNING: The tile cache directory format and file names of MarinePlotter version-1 must be converted to the new format of version-2. MarinePlotter version-2 will automatically create the new tile cache and will leave the old tile cache unchanged. The MarinePlotter version-2 will start a separate program to convert the tile cache. The converter program is called MarinePlotterTileCacheConverter.exe. You will be able to use the MarinePlotter and view the tile images as the data for each zoom level becomes available. You can also download new tiles as the conversion occurs.

Version 2,1,2

This update fixes errors related mainly to the creation of RNC tiles from MCGs.

Version 2,1,1

This update fixes mainly those problems encountered when you create RNC tiles from multiple and overlapping charts. When the chart drawing transparency is 1.0 (opaque), these changes hide duplicate offset buoys, lights, depth contours, etc. that can occur when a small (more accurate) chart is drawn over a large (less accurate) chart.

Version 2,1,0

The Tiles menu is changed: Nearly all tile based commands are now under the Tiles menu. RNCs now fall into two categories: Charts and Tiles. You can now convert any ENC, MCG, RNC and IMG chart to RNC tiles.

This version contains changes to the RNC tile creation methodology.

Added sample "World" RNC tiles for download here. Most of these tiles were created from MCG vector charts derived from the CM93 V2 vector charts. Some tiles were created from ENC and RNC charts. I will add additional RNC tiles as time and space allow. Also, with the MarinePlotter, you can create an RNC tile cache for your area of interest.

Other changes:

Version 2,0,3

Version 2,0,2

Version 2,0,1

Version 2,0,0

This release will convert your existing tiles to a new file format that uses less file space and helps the tiles load faster.

This release enables you to create and display RNC based tiles. To create the tiles, see the RNC tile cache form Help topics.

Update/Release history version-1.